Wednesday, December 30, 2009

"Hamakua coast adventure" and a Blenny?

Yesterday we, Josh Martin and Josh Melling went to the
Paauhau landing, that was many years ago used to transport
cargo to and from ships to the land.
he problem was the 100 foot cliffs, so they with lots of work created a landing that utilized a cable car, and some a wickedly dangerous stairs.

We wanted to go down since I, Josh Martin wanted to go and try to catch a fish or two for my reef aquarium.
I have a DLNR license and a net so I was set.
After walking a half mile down from the camp/community of houses,
we made a left then walked through a pasture to the landing.

Lots of old junk, mega sized tires,
old machinery, mechanic's manuals and other things;
remainents from the once booming Hawaiian sugar cane industry.

After the pasture was a few concrete foundations, and the place where the rail car was.
Scaling down the 45 degree slop with various rope, and twine that fishermen placed,
we were at the bottom.

After finding a place to put our stuff we looked into the tide-pools,
however we didn't pay much attention to the surf and got totally soaked.

Later after only finding some unusual fish,
we went to another tidepool,
while I was looking at a massive blenny that I've never seen before,
Josh Melling saw a 30 foot splash from a big wave and I was totally oblivious to what happen since I was looking at the fish.

After many failed attempts we caught one fish to not feel guilty,
a plain and plentiful Zebra Blenny that had some unusually long fins.

We went back up, and scaled the landing........
Then I got home and placed the blenny in a quarantine tank.

Well this would be a pretty boring story without pictures,
now wouldn't it ?
(and some ruins...)                        

(scary stairs)
(Nice view of coast line!)


 And mega Blenny!

(Climb Home)

(Cool panorama)

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